by Dave "Rosey" Rosenthal, Editor in-Chief Black Wire Media
Sun. Aug. 2, 2020 www.cnjfo.com/join-us
The Anti's are laughing! Can't we all just get-along? Is this a False Flag or the real thing? All these thoughts and more raced through my mind as I digested this last night before bed. Well, based upon personal observations & interactions with the stereotypical "Elmer Fudd with a shotgun" types, we'd have to say there's some truth to the rumor that Fudds do indeed exist. But based upon some recent FACTS (all those NICS checks) & cleaned-out inventory at gun stores, we'd also have to say that the millions of "woke" NEW gun owners aren't going hunting this season. That is unless it's open season on violent scumbags let out of JAIL for Covid, so they can commit crimes & prey upon the public, become home invaders, rioters and the like! No bag limits on them!
Put bluntly, we need to stick together and stop acting like spoiled children that need their butt spanked. Many #2AHeavyLifters also HUNT, myself included. NRA members come in all shapes, sizes & flavors.
I'm a C-Class USPSA competitive action shooter, as well as a Marksman in IDPA action shooting. I own a OMG "Black Rifle", the most popular & easiest to shoot rifle in America. I've run a pistol league at my club for almost 20 years. We engage B-27 & B-34 silhouette targets. I've rubbed elbows with famous action shooters and enjoyed their company. I've "runned & gunned", so I've "earned my stripes" in THAT world.
I'm also a Black Powder Fudd when I want to be, especially when I go afield in search of game. I'm PROUD to be. As the country's first Double Distinguished Expert in Muzzleloading I choose to enjoy the challenge of doing things like they did almost 200 years ago. When my 10 ga. percussion black powder Side-by-Each scattergun belches burning EXPLOSIVES from its muzzle, nary a pheasant escapes my skill. When I hunt hogs with my .50 caliber traditional sidelock muzzleloader or .44 cal Cap & Ball revolver, I don't miss. I tell you this not to brag but to "earn my stripes" in the eyes of some who hate black rifles (AR-15's) and "plastic fantastics" (double-column semi-auto hand guns made of space age composites).
Now that I've bored you with some of my background details, here's what I think:
Mr. Vance never got the memo that his hunting gun is already on the list of the total disarmament scheme of the gun grabbers, plain & simple. Instead of merely singling him out and pointing to an identified "Fudd" stereotype, we as gun owners that support the Second Amendment need to reach out at gun club meetings, gun shops, etc., and promote the good will we need to fight our common enemy--the Anti's, the Karen's, and Mom's Demand--instead of each other!
The old adage "divide & conquer" is alive & well. How do we know that a Mom's Demand husband married to a "Karen" didn't write the letter to Guns & Ammo magazine? Being a responsible 2A proponent requires tact, discipline and courage to always see the whole board before making a move. What's YOUR next move, eh?
Don't fall for the BAIT, become the change you want to SEE!