CNJFO PB&J II - Matching Funds Drive

The Coalition of New Jersey Firearm Owners proudly announces another "PB&J" campaign to help fund lawsuits to end the abuse and delays in the system for the permitting and the purchasing of firearms in New Jersey! The CNJFO Board of Trustees has approved a match of up to $25,000 dollars of public donations.

The New York State Rifle Pistol Association v. Bruen case eliminated "Justifiable Need" in New Jersey, but that's all it did. The rest is up to US, and CNJFO, New Jersey's busiest Second Amendment organization, is leading the way by putting hard-earned funds where its mouth is! Please JOIN THE FIGHT and CNJFO will match your tax-deductible donation up to the first $25K!

CNJFO has partnered with Gun Owners of America ("GOA"), Gun Owners Foundation ("GOF"), Jay Factor, and Mark Cheeseman to bring this case, Benton v. Platkin, challenging the constitutionality of the NJ Permit to Purchase a Handgun and the One Gun per Month limit.

"I personally endorse and support this case and have been involved since its inception. Please join me in supporting this case as we continue to work together to make law abiding firearms owners safe from the unconstitutional feel good firearms laws that burden us here in N.J." - Mark Cheeseman, Founder of New Jersey Firearms Owners Syndicate and CNJFO member.

With your help, victory and further restoration of your gun rights can be achieved. 

Thank you.


CNJFO ran a Matching Funds campaign for the Rogers case, writing a check for $5,000 to our state NRA affiliate ANJRPC to help offset legal expenses. We did a second Matching Funds campaign for Mark Cheeseman's SCOTUS case #19-27, raising $11,000. The PB&J Matching Fund drive, our third campaign, provided funds to be used for post-Bruen cases. In 2023, CNJFO, with SAF; FPC; and NJ2AS, challenged NJ's "sensitive places" laws in Koons v Platkin. CNJFO also contributed $5,000 each to: FPC, SAF, and ANJRPC, as well as $2,500 to The Heller Foundation. 

*Donations are tax deductible to the extent allowed by law.

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Coalition of New Jersey Firearm Owners is a 501(c)(3) charitable organization as defined by the Internal Revenue Code

PO Box 768
Sewell, NJ 08080

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