by Black Wire Media Tues. Oct. 13, 2020 www.cnjfo.com/join-us
CNJFO staffers were joined by thousands of flag-waving patriots from across America and beyond our shores attending the 2nd annual Rod of Iron Freedom Festival held last weekend at Kahr Arms' Tommy Gun Warehouse in Greeley, PA. The OPEN CARRY event featured vendors and speakers from across this great land, 2nd Amendment related businesses of every description, food vendors, and great entertainment. Highlights included noted PA attorney and gun law expert Joshua Prince, a concealed carry holster fashion show by Amanda Suffecool, firearms appraisals by Rob Campbell, and a DC Project discussion panel with DC Project's Lauren Hartnett, Holly Sullivan and Amanda Suffecool that was emceed by Riding Shotgun With Charlie's Charlie Cook.
The NRA, NRA-ILA, Gun Owners of America, Pike County Gun Owners and several other pro-2A groups were all there last weekend answering thousands of questions. And so was CNJFO!
The Coalition of New Jersey Firearm Owners was the only NJ-based 2nd Amendment organization in attendance again this year. Jon MacMillan, CNJFO Shows & Community Outreach Committee member, was joined by CNJFO Vice President Dave "Rosey" Rosenthal and together they manned a booth directly across from the main stage. ARMED! Cause why not! The strapped patriotic duo were on private property adjacent to a range and had permission from the land owner. Open carry was encouraged!
This was one of the safest public events in America last weekend! Don't worry, a "Safe Space" was provided by the show promoters for those feeling "triggered" in any way. Featuring plush toy animals, coloring books and even a bed to lie down on, the unused area was a "photo favorite"!
MacMillan and Rosenthal sold memberships, swag, "Charlie-the-Perp" targets, answered a ton of questions and accepted donations from newly-minted gun owners, foreign visitors that don't have a Second Amendment and of course concerned citizens. Lots of NJ gun owners attended, and several joined our ranks (thank you)!
Not a shot was fired in anger at this event and both Police and private security got along great with armed visitors. The Kahr Range had a long line of patient shooters waiting to try several firearms. Seminars were held all weekend in "breakout tents" complete with comfortable chairs and pro audio equipment, making listening quite enjoyable. Some speakers held book signings after they spoke. Food was plentiful and tasted great. The local Fire Company did pancakes for breakfast and BBQ chicken for lunch, and there's even fresh baked pizza & sausage sandwiches.
Major networking took place with MacMillan and Rosenthal representing the Coalition to the Connecticut Citizens Defense League, The DC Project, NRA-ILA, G.O.A. , Eye On The Target Radio, and several others. It's always fun to get to know & respect fellow #2AHeavyLifters and see where we at CNJFO can help our NJ situation through an exchange of ideas with others. Such was the case with our neighbor to the North, DC Project's CT Delegate & Northeast Regional Director, CCDL's President Holly Sullivan and others. Comparing the suffrage of gun owners was an enlightening experience and we'll be continuing it on behalf of all gun owners.
If you like what we're doing and want to help us, there's several ways to do it. Pick one or more:
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Nov. 15th Sporting Clays tixx HERE: www.cnjfo.com/Event-4007823
Thanks for reading & stay safe!