Black Wire Blog


September 15, 2019 12:00 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)


Op-Ed by E. Lee Ollivier for Black Wire Media Sunday Sept. 15, 2019

As mainly a hunter, I had been concerned with the future of hunting but not as aware as I should have been of the depth of efforts to protect the sport when it comes to 2A activism.

Most all of us in the hunting community pride ourselves in our patriotism- there is no question about that. We hold each other accountable and to high standards of conduct.

What is also important is that as the "GUNS ARE BAD" message is increasingly pushed in NJ schools and in the media, many POTENTIAL NEW HUNTERS will go without ever shooting a bow or a firearm. They are our lost allies!

I am not talking just about kids, but also adults, people of any age. Not only men but also women. Pro 2a groups like CNJFO run shooting events and many of your local clubs also encourage and teach good sportsmanship, and promote safe and enjoyable shooting.

If our hunting community's voices are reduced by over legislation of firearms, there will be less defenders of hunting rights and lands and our numbers will dwindle and things will keep spiraling down!

There is a way to STOP the decline of hunting. We do this by saying "NO" to more senseless gun legislation aimed at the law-abiding gun owners like you & I. This is where groups like the Coalition of New Jersey Firearm Owners come in really handy. They're the only 2A group in NJ that actually runs hunts and gets "2A activism" on display to us hunters.

2A activism is what slows the tide. There are many who are devoting their time and personal resources to stop the rush of laws which could eventually stop you from taking a wife, husband, girlfriend or boyfriend shooting or hunting. I say it inclusively to all as women are an emerging force in the firearm owners community. It's so great hearing a young lady tell her boyfriend SHE took to the range 'to just shoot at his own target and she knows what she's doing"!

We need to realize that we all get a certain level of anxiety worrying about an unintended slip with transporting firearms etc. and running afoul of the law as we make our way to our hunting grounds. It can get worse. We don't need that stress in the morning, we need a coffee! Guess who fights ALL firearm transportation bills both at the state & federal level, including our hunting guns? That's right, 2nd Amendment activists!

We need to speak well of each other and to each other. We are IN THIS TOGETHER!

With more restrictive laws there will be less involved. Too much hassle. There will be less hunters and the anti hunting community will call all the shots. The new laws will easily flow- Hunting disallowed at preserves, increased distances to homes and roads etc. It can and is getting worse. So what do we Hunters DO?

Casually make others aware that hunters are good people, people they can rely on, people who do the right thing. That's what can change minds.

Below is some information related to the 2A struggle in NJ. Many thanks to those committing their selves to the effort:

CNJFO keeps you informed about critical pending legal cases. These cases have the potential to affect you directly as far as what kinds of firearms you can keep, whether you can bring those firearms outside of your home, and more.

For instance, there is a magazine ban challenge filed by ANJRPC, a carry outside the home case (Cheeseman), and a New York case, with the potential to impact New Jersey, in terms of transporting any firearms from your home to other places.

Talk it up with your hunting buddies. Make your friends aware this hunting season, that the better informed we are as a group, the more power we will have.

We’re all one team: no matter what your outdoor sport. Time is of the essence. As Hunter’s we have a VOICE. Let's USE IT!


CNJFO member E. Lee Ollivier, a lifelong New Jersey resident, has been hunting for more than 30 years. He has hunted in both the United States and Canada. His extensive experience includes hunting small game and deer, wild boar and bear; using archery, black powder, rifle and shotgun. His harvests have put food on the table and mounts in his Man Cave. Ollivier has witnessed first-hand why all hunters need to be more 2A proactive. We hope you enjoy his Op-Ed as much as we did editing it. Archery Deer season started yesterday. Good hunting & good eating from all of us at CNJFO!

Coalition of New Jersey Firearm Owners is a 501(c)(3) charitable organization as defined by the Internal Revenue Code

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Sewell, NJ 08080

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